Threads in Operating System

Threads in Operating System: Threads are a key concept in modern operating systems that allow multiple tasks to be performed simultaneously within a single process. A thread is a lightweight, independent unit of execution within a process that shares its memory space and other resources.

Need of Thread in OS

Threads are needed in operating systems for several reasons. One of the primary reasons is to improve the performance of a computer system. By using threads, multiple tasks can be executed simultaneously, which allows for better utilization of system resources.

Another reason for using threads is to improve the responsiveness of an application. When an application is designed with multiple threads, it can continue to respond to user inputs even when one of the threads is blocked or executing a long-running task.

Threads in Operating System
Threads in Operating System

Types of Threads

There are two types of threads in an operating system:

  1. User-level Threads
  2. Kernel-level Threads

User-level Threads

User-level threads are managed by the user-level threads library instead of the operating system. The operating system has no knowledge of these threads, which means that thread switching must be managed by the user-level library.


  • Faster context switching as there is no need to switch to kernel mode
  • More flexibility in scheduling and resource allocation as the library can make scheduling decisions rather than the operating system


  • Inability to take advantage of multi-core processors since the operating system doesn’t know about the threads
  • If one thread in the process blocks, then the entire process is blocked since the operating system doesn’t know about the individual threads

Kernel-level Threads

Kernel-level threads are managed by the operating system. The operating system schedules and manages these threads, and each thread is visible to the operating system.


  • Better utilization of multi-core processors as the operating system can schedule threads across multiple cores
  • If one thread blocks, the other threads can continue to execute since the operating system is aware of each thread.


  • Slower context switching as there is a need to switch to kernel mode
  • Limited flexibility in scheduling and resource allocation as the operating system makes scheduling decisions rather than the user-level library.

Components of Thread

The components of a thread include:

  • Thread ID: A unique identifier assigned to each thread
  • Program Counter: A register that keeps track of the next instruction to be executed by the thread
  • Register Set: A set of registers that hold the thread’s current working variables
  • Stack: A stack that stores the thread’s temporary variables and function call information

Benefits of Thread

The benefits of using threads include:

  • Improved scalability and resource utilization
  • Improved application responsiveness and interactivity
  • Increased reliability and fault tolerance
  • Simplified program design and maintenance

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